Monday, March 22, 2010

How I Let the Perfect Pump Get Away

I slipped them on and immediately, my feet were happy. It was like a big hug for my tootsies after days of trekking across Manhattan in search of the perfect items at the perfect bargains. My good friend and NYC travel companion, Kat, swears by Sofft shoes (and she aughtta know, spending her days on her feet, kicking criminal butt in Houston). These, I found to be more than just shoes. They were the perfect fit, a delightfully elegant style with a heel that I felt certain even I could master on my gravel driveway. That was December. This is March. I'm still thinking about these shoes. Did I mention I didn't buy them? The department store was evacuated about an hour later by FDNY, but I'm sure that had nothing to do with my refusal to recognize footwear kismet when I see it. Although, it's not every day that emergency personnel clear out the flagship Macy's store on 34th Street a week before Christmas. I digress. If my occasional forays into financial blogs have taught me anything, it's that one should give oneself time to review a pricey purchase before whipping out the debit card. If it's out of your head in 24 hours, it's a no-go. If it enters your mind three months later first thing on a Sunday morning, I choose to believe that's Nature's way of saying, "go ahead, buy the perfect shoe. It's worth the $110." Sigh. Get 'em now here in black suede, black leather, winter blue or, my favorite, crimson. Walk a few miles in these and you'll still be able to walk a few more. Yes, they feel THAT good.

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