Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen, Your Tax Dollars at Work

I sent a $15 check yesterday to the U.S. Department of Treasury. Thanks to a weird self-employment taxation situation, I will likely owe the government money forever. These $15 I parted with gladly, though, after last year's $900. Yikes. I wondered, though, what I would do if it had been Uncle Sam giving me $15. Not much, you might say, but I say au contraire. I'd fork it over for this top, the likes of which I have been looking for since rufflles first started peeking out of leather military jackets in Lucky Magazine last fall. Two things I should clear up about this top and my small town: YES, it will still be in style several months from now in this neck of the woods, if not just picking up momentum. NO, I am not a fool for waiting five months to buy a top. Small town often equals small paycheck and all frivolous purchases must be made only after great time and consideration has been given to them. That said, let's all go freakin' nuts at The 15 Dollar Store! Everything, but EVERYTHING on this site is only $15!! We all know savings of this magnitude often mean a serious lack of quality, but sift through for serious bargains on labels like Kenneth Cole Reaction, Romeo & Juliet Couture (maker of the cute ruffled top), Derek Heart, Rampage and more. You can literally dress yourself from head to toe for less than $100, including accessories. That goes for your men and your kiddos, too!

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